15 October 2011

New Adult Feature

Firstly, thank you to all of my new followers! I love you all, and I hope to get to know all of you in the future. Hugs all round!

Anyway, onto the actual post. Some of you may know that I don't just read Young Adult books, I also love reading adult novels. I just tend to read more YA because that's what I blog about. However, when I do read adult novels I always think about how I would review them given the chance. So I have been thinking, and I decided that I might like to try out an adult feature on my blog every fortnight or every week or something like that. A regular feature just for adults so that I can review adult novels, host author interviews for them and host some giveaways for my favourite books.

I just wanted to know what you guys think of this. Would you be interested in a feature such as this, or would you prefer I just focus on YA? Considering how many adult books I read, I probably wouldn't be reviewing them more often than once per fortnight but... Leave your thoughts in the comments below please!


  1. I would love to read posts that aren't exclusively YA. I know that most people who blog read more YA than they do adult, and because of that I have found myself wanting to buy more YA books as of late. It would be lovely to get recommendations for other books, aside YA ones!

    Even if some of your followers follow you only because you review YA books, I don't think it would bother them to have a weekly or bi-weekly more adult-y feature! I say go for it!

  2. It's your blog and you can totally review whatever you want! I review mostly YA but also some adult. I say go with it. Will be interesting to find out what else you're reading :)

  3. I agree with The Slowest Bookworm - it is your blog so you should review whatever you like to read. I review a variety of YA and adult books because that is what I like to read.

    I would certainly be very interested to read some of your reviews for the adult books you read :)

  4. Review both. I've been thinking about this lately, because since I've started the blog, I've pretty much only reviewed YA. I have some more 'mature' books coming up that I'll put on my blog,though. I mean, ultimately it's YOUR blog to review the book YOU read. You're not forcing anyone to read the books you review. And I'm sure there will be plenty of people interested in the adult books you review, just as much as your YA books. :)

  5. Wow, haven't read any of these books yet...but heard of A Girl with the Dragon tattoo though. Hope you enjoy all your books, Happy reading!

    thanks for stopping by the blog!

  6. If you feel like reviewing the adult books you're reading, I think you absolutely should! I know I'd be totally interested in adult reviews as well.


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