25 January 2013

I Don't Have Internet Right Now

Unfortunately I don't have internet access at the moment. It's not even the fault of my internet provider, who I phoned yesterday and was ready to leave an angry message since we're paying so much money for this. Instead, BT (a major phone company in the UK) has a faulty line and it's affecting everyone in my village. Those who use BT, anyway.

We phoned BT last night and they said their engineers are "working as hard as they can" to fix the line. Then we got about five text messages this morning, telling us different things. The first said that they hope to fix the line by 5PM this evening. The latest said that they hope to have it fixed by January 30th.

Thank goodness my friend isn't with BT, is all I can say.

So yeah, I am fuming. Luckily I have had most of my posts scheduled for a long time, and so I won't have to spend too long playing catch up. I'm scheduling some more posts today while I am able to use my friend's internet, but I just wanted to let you guys know that I won't be around to comment or tweet or anything, and I'm not going to be able to upload anything onto Youtube until this phone line gets fixed.

On the plus side, I received some books in the mail - The Indigo Spell, Scarlet, Fractured and Monument 14 - so without internet access, what else can I do but read?

I'd love to know what you guys are currently reading. Let me know in the comments! I'm in the middle of Dance of Shadows, and I've just started The Indigo Spell. I couldn't wait!

Also, if any of you have reviews of Pivot Point that you would like me to link up in my review (which is up next week), then do let me know!


  1. Ah, what a bad situation. I hope the internet gets fixed asap! And I'm in the middle of the Dance of Shadows too! :D Can't wait for the scheduled posts!

  2. I'm looking forward to your review of Scarlet! I just can't wait to learn more about that book.

  3. Ugh, that sucks :( I wish you all the best in this dark time and I hope you survive without Internet. (Yes, that's exactly how addicted I am.) But seriously, what a terrible service! I hope it gets fixed soon! At least you still have a bazillion books to read :D

  4. Oh, that's a bummer! I hope it is fixed soon, but in the mean time, enjoy yourself with the wonderful books you got! SCARLET! :D


  5. That sucks :( Five more days? I'd flip out. At least you got some great books to pass the time :)


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