09 December 2013

New Releases: December 10 - 16, 2013

Everyone's excited for These Broken Stars, amirite? I read it together with Judith last month, and we both ended up really enjoying it. It's a great sci-fi read! That's the only release I'm looking forward to this week, although I am intrigued by Spoils, which is about a girl whose family won the lottery. I might read it and dream. Also, I kind of want to read Snakeroot, even though I hated Bloodrose with a passion. I just want to see what happens with Ren because apparently he's coming back in some way?


  1. I want 'These broken stars' *_______________*

  2. Yeeees, I can't wait for These broken stars :)

  3. These Broken Stars, added to my TBR list :D

    Cathy x


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