03 December 2013

Top Ten 2014 Releases I'm Dying To Read

Top Ten 2014 Releases I'm Dying To Read

It's the home run of 2013, the new year is almost upon us, and with it, a whole bunch of new books that I am dying to check out! I've been looking forward to a lot of these for a long time, and I'm so glad that it's almost time. I thought that this week's topic was going to be difficult, but it turns out that there are only a dozen or so books that I would kill for.
1. Cress by Marissa Meyer
I'm a huge fan of this series, and Meyer's characters. Her female leads are awesome, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of them, as well as meeting Cress! I'm especially excited to see more of Scarlet, along with Captain Thorne!

2. The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
The fact that this one was pushed back killed me.

3. Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
Because Sturmhond and Alina HAVE to be endgame, okay? Enough with this Mal/Darkling nonsense.

4. Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins
5. Split Second by Kasie West
I'm a Kasie West fangirl, and I absolutely adored Pivot Point. I can't wait to see how things turn out in this one, and just how crazy it can get!

6. Secret by Brigid Kemmerer
I read Nick's novella and I NEED to read more about him and his love interest. Who, by the way, is a guy. Wait, a book with a gay main character that isn't a contemporary? BOOYAH.

7. Toxic Heart by Theo Lawrence
Mystic City was a surprisingly good read, and I can't wait to see what happens to the characters in the sequel. I'm very excited to see them using their powers!
 8. On the Fence by Kasie West
As well as a great paranormal, Kasie can also write pretty great contemporary!

9. Sunrise by Mike Mullin
I love this post-apocalyptic world, and I am very excited to see how it all turns out for the characters, and if the government gets their shit together.

10. Flame by Amy Kathleen Ryan


  1. I can't wait to get my hands on Isla and the Happily Ever After either, it's been so long since I read a book by Stephanie Perkins! I also need to get onto reading a book by Kasie West, there is so much love for her right now! Brilliant list Amber! :)

  2. I have Cress on my list, too, and I think we all do. I didn't even know about Mara til today. :L Weird.
    Happy reading!

    My TTT

  3. I'm waiting for Split Second and On The Fence too!

  4. I definitely can't wait to get my hands on Isla and the Happily Ever After, I just want to own it now!

  5. I can't wait for Cress & Isla (it has been too long), and although I still need to read Ashen Winter, I'm already looking forward to the final book :) Great list!

    My TTT

  6. The wait for Isla has definitely been WAY TOO LONG. ;__; I just wanna hold it in my hands and never let it go.

    - Lauren @ Lauren Reads YA

    My TTT

  7. OMG All Kasie West's books always fall on the must read and dying to read category. Great list! So many good books for 2014! :D

  8. Cress is my most anticipated book of next year! Excited for Retribution! Need to read Pivot Point as well as Anna & Lola before Isla. Great list!

  9. "Mystic City was a surprisingly good read" Oh really? Intriguing... I hadn't heard much about it but I love that the covers are kind of grungy beautiful, so now I'm tempted :D

  10. I can't believe I forgot Flame...love that series, it's so dark and rather disturbing, actually. And I loved Mystic City too. And so excited for Cress, Retribution, Isla, Split Second, On the Fence...there are so many great books coming out next year! ~Pam

  11. Great picks! I am so excited for Flame, CAN'T WAIT!!! A lot of these made my own list, but I need to read the whole series for them - Lunar Chronices, Pivot Point and Ashfall series. I'm excited to get to all of them next year. My TTT

  12. Split Second / On The Fence? God yes!! EXCITED.


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