01 February 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Best Debut Books

The meme Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Thanks for hosting this fun meme!

I don't take part in this meme every week, just when the question/topic strikes my fancy. This week's top ten is:

Top Ten Best Debut Books

This list can include books from any year, not just 2011. I have a few wonderful YAs to list, so here we go! In no particular order...

1. City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
I raced through this book and absolutely loved it. This book - and later, this series - became one of my all time favourites! Mainly because of Jace.. but there ya go!

2. Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
If you've read my review on this then you'll know how much I loved this book. Another all time favourite of mine, mostly due to the impeccable writing.

3. Cirque Du Freak by Darren Shan
This is quickly becoming a trend here, but this is another favourite of mine. I absolutely love love love Darren's books, and the Saga is probably my favourite book series - ever! Incredible.

4. Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone by JK Rowling
Did you see this coming? I bet you did. Harry Potter, magic, Hogwarts... There's no need for me to explain, is there?

5. Choker by Elizabeth Woods
This is a more recent read for me - duh, considering it was only released this month! I was enthralled by this book, and I am still truly impressed by Elizabeth Woods' writing!

6. The Maze Runner by James Dashner
Dystopia! Mazes! Plot twists! Oh yeah.

7. Across the Universe by Beth Revis
Another fantastic debut for 2011! Truly amazing!

8. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
A hilarious and cheeky read! Very enjoyable, and amazing writing!

9. Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
I'm pretty sure that this is a YA debut, but if it's not then please forgive me. This. Is. Incredible!! I can't stop gushing over this book! I haven't reviewed it yet, but let me tell you that if you haven't picked it up yet - do so right now!

10. My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent
After having read Rachel's adult books, I wasn't sure about reading this YA. But, I ending up really enjoying it! It's such a great book!

There you go, ten books! I don't know if I've actually reached ten books in a list for TTT but as there are so many amazing YA debuts out there, I had so many to include! Others that I left out due to it being a Top Ten not a Top Fifty were: Nightshade; Hush, Hush; As You Wish; Wildthorn; Shiver and so many more!


  1. hi!!! I'm your newesr follower and I just love your blog. these books all are great, I have added a few to my TBR list, mainly Choker and Across the Universe. I'll check the rest of them out. have a nice month :)


  2. Thank you asamum!

    Alexandra - Thanks! And thank you for following. Oh, Choker is brilliant, I hope you enjoy it when you get your hands on it :)

  3. I won City of Bones in a giveaway, it should be getting here soon, I'm so glad you liked it!
    Lots of these are on my to-read list, I guess I've some good books waiting for me.

  4. Great list! I loved Before I Fall! It's definitely amazing, and an incredibly strong debut novel!! Paranormalcy was great too! I have a copy of AtU, but I haven't started it yet... Maybe I'll make that a higher priority. :)

  5. Daisy - Oh, let me know what you think! A lot of people stop reading because of the ending, but you should really carry on :) It's worth it.

    Ashley - Thanks! Before I Fall is a definite favourite of mine. I was shocked at how much I liked it!

    TB - I agree! I haven't read The Scorch Trials yet, no. I'm waiting for it to be released in paperback so it matched my Maze Runner copy. It's good to hear you say that! September is going to be a long wait.


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