01 April 2011

Random Act of Kindness: April

I'm sure a lot of you will already know of this feature hosted over at Book Soulmates, but if you don't then let me tell you a little bit about it. Basically, because Isalys and Vanessa are both lovely people - and extremely creative with their features! - they decided to start this new feature which consisted of the participants partaking in a random act of kindness.

All you have to do is visit the monthly blog posts to sign up each month you'd like to participate. Create a wishlist on Amazon, Goodreads or Google Docs (or anywhere, really) and post the link on the sign up sheet. You can then look through other people's wishlists and - if you like - pick out a book from their wishlists to send them.

However, if you're a bit strapped for cash one month, then you can still participate. Returning the favour is NOT mandatory. 

Although it is nice! In the month of March, I was lucky enough to receive two books via RAK.

1984 by George Orwell was sent to me by the lovely Bex from An Armchair By The Sea. I've been wanting this book since I read Animal Farm in my old school. Which was about six years ago!
Jen from At Random was kind enough to send me a brand new copy of Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer! This is another book I've been wanting to get for ages now, but the cover I wanted was the US cover and only available at a higher price on Book Depository. Thanks, Jen!

Due to my book buying ban (which didn't go too well, but anyway), I wasn't able to buy any books in the month of March to send away. Hopefully when my ban is over next week, I can start browsing some wishlists! 

If anyone is interested, do go and sign up! It's great karma! Also, if you do, please share your wishlists with me down below in the comments. I'd love to see what my followers are hoping for. 


  1. Aw, that's awesome! I signed up but not until the end of the month so I didn't get anything but I'll be sending some out this month. :)

    Here's my RAK.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Michelle! Great wishlist there, I've read Hex Hall and Demonglass and loved them! A lot of those titles are on my own wishlist/TBR pile :)

  3. Yayyyy!!! So happy you got those goodies! Kindness rocks!!!

    Thanks for joining :)

    ♥ Vanessa
    Book Soulmates


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