03 September 2013

Top Ten Books I Would Love To See On Screen

Top Ten Books I Would Love To See On Screen

I have switched up today's TTT post because I really want to do this topic, but I need to do another one next week. I have my reasons, I promise. Those reasons are that I won't be able to take part in this meme on the 17th, and therefore I had to move everything forward a week. Because I'm off to Rome!

As you should all know by now, I'm a huge TV junkie. I watch dozens of shows, and it's becoming a problem. Actually, it's been a problem for a few years now. Despite that, I'm always happy to add more to my giant list, because TV gives me all the feels. I've included a few books that I would like to see as movies as well, just to balance things out a bit.
1. Harry Potter

I just want to see a HP TV show, okay? Although I don't know how I would feel about the new cast, because the old one is cemented into my brain and probably can't ever be replaced. I would love to see each book play out each season, with the larger books taking up two seasons each or something. I think it would be amazing to tune into the world of Harry Potter and visit Hogwarts every week. With a TV show, there would be the opportunity to go into details that couldn't be expanded on during the movies because of time constraints, and if they got JKR on board then they could totally add new stuff.

2. Variant by Robison Wells

I would love for this book to be made into a TV show. I think the mystery would play out really well, and they could have a great ensemble cast. Feedback, the sequel, ended horribly, so the show could improve on that and maybe even come out with an original storyline for the third (or later) season. I'd be cool with that.

3. Burn for Burn by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian

I feel like a TV series of this book series would be the most drama-filled CW show since 90210. I would adore it, I know it. I'd have to figure out who I would cast for my perfect Reeve though.

4. The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

This series is awfully heartbreaking. I know that, and I've only read the first book thus far. But trust me, Tatum has filled me in. I think a movie would be amazing, if done right. 

5. The Saga of Darren Shan by Darren Shan

This has already been made into a(n awful) movie, but I want to see it redone. I'm not sure a TV show would work, but the Saga has so much potential and I hated seeing it be ruined like that. I'm pretty sure the movie put people off reading the books, and that upsets me because it's one of my favourite series ever.

6. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

Can you imagine the heart attacks a show or movie on this would induce? The creepy factor, the heart stopping scenes, the cliffhanger endings... I wouldn't be able to deal.
7. Pivot Point by Kasie West

Sure, people would make comparisons to Sliding Doors, but do I care? A parallel universe/future movie or show would be AMAZING, and then ending would destroy me.

8. Altered by Jennifer Rush

This would be an amazing summer action movie, starring five hots leads, with some twists and lots of fighting. 

9. Unwind by Neal Shusterman

We would have an Oscar winner on our hands, I'm sure of it.

10. All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill

Once again, this could be an action packed sci-fi thriller and I would love every second of it. 


  1. The Knife of Never Letting Go would make an interesting movie! It's the only book from your list that I've read, but I have Unwind on my reading list too.

    Tanya Patrice

  2. A HP TV show would be one of the best things in the world <3 It would be hard to see other actors play them, but it would be so worth it! I haven't read all the other books you've mentioned, but they are on my reading list :)

  3. HP TV show?! Sign. Me. Up. Although, waiting between seasons would be the worst (even though I already know what happens.)

  4. The Mara Dyer books would make such an amazing TV show! Why isn't this a thing?

  5. All Our Yesterdays would be an amazing show or film! Action left right and centre!

    Happy Tuesday!
    My TTT

  6. OMG, I am so here for a Burn For Burn TV show, that would be AMAZING!

  7. You're going to Rome?! As in Italy? JEALOUS.

    I loved Variant. Haven't read the sequel yet but I hear it wasn't as good as Variant. Ill have to look into the other series you mentioned by Wells. Haven't heard of it!

    My TTT

  8. I don't know if I could handle a new HP cast, haha! I haven't read it but from what I hear Burn for Burn seems like it would be perfect for TV!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT post earlier! I hope you have a great trip to Rome!!!

  9. Do you mean The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness?
    I hate to be "that guy", but would like to think someone would tell me if i made a mistake. Oops.

    Hope you have an amazing time in Roma!


  10. All Our Yesterdays, Altered, Variant, and The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer would be excellent to see! ~Pam

  11. I would love to see Unwind & Altered made into movies! Unwind is definitely on my list next week. Great choices! Have fun in Rome!

  12. If Unwind ever became a TV series, I'd probably go watch each episode then be unable to function for a few hours. Or maybe days. Enjoy Rome!


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