Reading wise, January was a very average month for me. I read some very good books, but nothing blew my mind like it has in the past, which is unfortunate because a lot of these books had such potential. Even though I said I wasn't going to, I did end up reading mostly review copies. This is good, because it means I'm getting through the giant stack, but I also want to try to balance my reading with my own books as well. Hopefully that will improve in February.
On the Blog
Tatum and I reviewed a bunch of books: No One Else Can Have You, Erased, Avalon, Taste of Darkness, Eleanor & Park, And We Stay, White Cat, Bitten, Fugitive X, and Cress.
January was also the month that I relaunched my Debut Showcase feature, which had been on hiatus for a while. Speaking of relaunching, I also posted my first book haul post in forever.
Judith and I hosted Epic Recs, which was once again open for the public. As far as we can tell, everyone has been having a great time, especially Gaby and Lisa, who are so enthusiastic about this project. Love it!
Me in January
Nothing much happened out in the real world. It's now only six weeks until I visit Dee in Virginia, which is so exciting that I can't handle it. I am currently on a random health kick, and am trying to eat healthily. Well, I'm trying not to snack so much. Healthy is subjective. I watched The Wolf of Wall Street, and it kicked off my intense adoration for Leo DiCaprio again. I kept up with my new year's resolution to comment on other blogs more often - I hope the people that I'm following are appreciating the new me!