05 February 2011

In My Mailbox - (14)

IMM is a meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren

Books Shown in This Video:
- The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting
- Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin
- Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
- Beastly by Alex Flinn
- Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by David Levithan and Rachel Cohn
- Strange Angels by Lili St Crow
- Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
- Numbers by Rachel Ward
- Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
- Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Manchev
- Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
- 0.4 by Mike Lancaster
- The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney
- The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff
- Feast of Fools by Rachel Caine
- Linger by Maggie Stiefvater
- Once a Witch by Carolyn McCullough
- Rampant by Diana Peterfreund
- Glimmerglass by Jenna Black
- Nevermore by Kelly Creagh
- Hungry For You by Lynsay Sands
- Life's That Way by Jim Beaver

As you can see, it's a huge haul! I probably won't be buying any more books for a couple of weeks, but I'm still waiting on a few. Hopefully I'll be able to do an IMM next week! 

Please leave a link in the comments below so I can see what you got in your mailbox!


  1. Awesome mailbox !! You've got so many books !! For my part, I didn't get any (I haven't bought books for 2 weeks ..) !! I so have to order some !!
    Enjoy all your books ;)

  2. Wow, Amber! What a fabulous mailbox! There are some brilliant titles in your mailbox this week, and I hope you enjoy them all...I'm looking forward to your reviews! :)

  3. SO many books! Jealous! The Body Finder is awesome and Nevermore is so so so good! I love The Iron Witch too. Happy reading!

  4. Lovely books - I've read some but am familiar with most and you have indeed a brilliant haul! Hope you enjoy them all.

  5. Great vlog and some awesome books. I am trying to get through Nevermore at the moment - I will finish it. Thirteen Reasons Why has been on my wishlist for ages so i've got to get that. I loved Hex Hall, The Body Finder and Dash and Lily all excellent books.
    Enjoy your books, happy reading.

  6. Awesome mailbox Amber! I loved Thirteen Reasons Why and Linger, I hope you do too! I haven't heard of Elsewhere so I look forward to your review of it. Enjoy reading all your books, you have so many great ones to choose from!

  7. Beatly and Elsewhere are pretty good. The Replacement was amazing and Feast of Fools is one of my favorite Morganville books. I'm really jelous of Eyes Like Stars and The Body Finder! They have been on my wishlist for the longest time.

    Hope you enjoy all the great books!


  8. Awesome mailbox! So many books in there that I loved. 13 Reasons Why was sooo good. Happy reading!

  9. Wow! You got some crazy awesome books.
    I can't wait to read your reviews on all of them!

  10. Wow, crazy amount of books. And they ALL look great! Nice one. I didn't buy any books this week :( Saving up for my holiday..

  11. Wow Amber, what an amazing mailbox! So many there that I've enjoyed too or have on my shelf, but loads that I've not got.

    Glimmerglass is one of my newer books and I can't stop picking it up. Doesn't the cover have a funny feel to it. I love it =)

    I quite fancy the Once a Witch series so I'll be interested to hear what you think of that. And Numbers too. That sounded really interesting when you told us about it.

    Have a good weekend!

  12. WOW. lots of books this week. You have some great books. 13 Reasons Why is amazing! enjoy :)

  13. Wow awesome books :D !!

    I've received The body finger, The replacement and Streange angels for christmas I need to read them soon :).
    Vampire Academy is soooo good. I was so sad when I finished Last Sacrifice :(.
    I've read Unearthly for the debut author challenge and LOVED it :).
    And I need to buy The Iron witch soon :D !

    I hope you'll like them all ! Happy reading !

    By the way there is an international giveaway on my blog if you want :). You can win the paperback of your choice from the book depository !

  14. Oh my gosh, so MANY books! That's awesome! I love Strange Angels, Vampire Academy, and Hex Hall. I'm dying to read Iron Witch, but I'm waiting for my library to get it :o) Happy reading! Come see what's IMM!


  15. What a wonderful assortment of books! All of those that I have read on your list were really good. I hope you enjoy them. My mailboxes are here and here. Happy reading!

  16. I have a small mailbox of two books but not of this genre - you have a huge pile. Enjoy the reading and do come over and visit.

  17. Girl you won... hands down!

    This is the ultimate for the IMM box and you have the crown.

    Bow and say WOW!

    Your ever so humble and admirer of your IMM books, pk reeves.

    PS dying from the bliss of looking at that never ending list!

  18. Great mailbox! Love the vlog :)

    My Post


  19. You will love Vampire Academy (it's awesome), start it soon! Dash and Lily's Book of Dares isn't that great but Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist is AWESOME so don't give up on David Levithan and Rachel Cohn!

    I love your Vlog, so many bloggers don't give a synopsis and that's really annoying! :) If you like books about boarding schools you should check out Sarah Lawrence's Jinx books.

    Have a wonderful week!

  20. Hey Amber! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have to say, totally jealous of all the books you got this week! lol. I want all of them! ha ha!

  21. SO many books!
    Unearthly, Linger and Once a Witch are all really great!!!
    l so want 0.4! Hope you enjoy it.
    l am really annoyed about Strange Angels, l brought it off ebay but got sent a Promotional Edition and the cover isn't shiny .. not half as nice as the proper version!
    Linger isn't too confusing, not much is from Sam's point of view which disappointed me =(

  22. Whoo, what a great IMM =D
    There are a lots of books that are on my TBR pile too ^^
    Happy reading!

  23. Hey Amber, thanks for stopping by my blog! I actually started reading Dash & Lily after you left your comment, and I must say that the way Dash talks is very formal. I also love boarding school books, so you'll enjoy Hex Hall & Vampire Academy. I've never heard of Numbers or 0.4, but they will definitely be added to my list:)
    Have a great week also :D

  24. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a new follower because all of the books in your IMM are either ones' I've read or they are on my TBR!

  25. Thanks for stopping by! You got some great books. I can't wait to get started on the Vampire Academy series. I feel like I am the only one who hasn't read it yet!

    I'm following now! :)

  26. O.4 sounds really great. I doesn't come out in the US til next month :( You got such a great haul this week. Hope you enjoy them all.

  27. I stop by your blog today. I love the colors.

  28. Wowzers! You have quite the haul there! I'm curious to hear/read your take on Linger. I've read Shiver, and thought it was ok, but I'm one who hates leaving a series unfinished.

  29. I love Linger! It's one of my favorite books. I really want to read The Replacement but I'm waiting for the paperback b/c I like that cover better.

    Enjoy all your new books!

  30. Holy Crow Amber! That is a freakintastic amount of books!

    Yeah, they sound like they are going to keep you pretty busy for a while.

    Happy Reading

  31. WOW thats A LOT! Nice loot :) and Thirteen Reasons Why is the only one on the list which I've read...trust me u'll love it! sooo wanna read like, everything on the list :)

  32. I adore your blog; staring from the layout to the Dean Winchester display picture of youres, ending up with your wonderful posts.

    Happy Reading :)

    P.S. I am a big fan of Supernatural; I will be totally following your blog...

  33. wow, lots of amazing books, a few of these are on my wishlist. Enjoy your books.

  34. WHOA. That's quite a haul! Hope you enjoy reading them. anyway, thank you for dropping by my blog! :)

  35. Wow so many books! Have fun reading them =0

  36. WOW! What a haul! You are one lucky girl to have gotten so many in two weeks time. Enjoy them all, especially for us book bloggers who don't have access to those particular reads quite yet (like me)!

    Have a great week, be safe, and happy reading!

    Also, thanks for stopping by the blog!

    Asher K.


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