14 April 2013

Weekly Wrap Up (08.04.13 - 14.04.13)

This week was not a great reading week, but it was a great week on the blog and in general. Did anyone watch the Spartacus finale? I am broken. So broken. It's like my world has come to an end. Dramatic much? I just really love that show, and I'm so sad that it wasn't given more seasons. The finale was AMAZING though.

Amber's Reviews:

Tatum's Reviews:

I also posted a sneak peek of Boy Nobody by Allen Zadoff, a book that I'm really looking forward to reading this coming week! 

And, as always, I posted about this week's new releases. Check it out to see which books you may have missed!

How did your week go? Did you get lots of reading done?


  1. Oh I didn't know Spartacus was like over and done with. I liked that series, boo.

    1. I adored it. I'm so sad that Starz thought it cost too much to produce, because it was really outstanding!

  2. I've never heard of Saprtacus but I will check it out.

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf


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