12 November 2013

Top Ten Covers I Wish I Could Redesign

Top Ten Covers I Wish I Could Redesign
hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Like most book bloggers/lovers I know, I judge a book by its cover. All the time. And you know what, I feel no guilt about that. Covers are supposed to look appealing and enticing, and if they're not then they're not doing their job. Finding covers that I actually wanted to get rid of was more difficult than I thought it would be. Apparently I only add pretty books to my shelves. Oops.
1. Endless Knight by Kresley Cole
I didn't mind the cover of Poison Princess, but this one is a Photoshop disaster. Why does Death look like Spike? Why can't we see Evie's face? Why wasn't the artist qualified?
2. Storm by Brigid Kemmerer
I love this series, I really do, and I very much appreciate the model's arm veins. BUT, I hate covers with people on them, for the most part. Well, I hate covers that show people's faces. I don't know why.
3. Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout
The first three covers were also cringe-worthy, but JFC, Daemon, put some clothes on. You're not a gladiator.
4. The Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead
I really dislike the covers of this series and its predecessor - Vampire Academy. My VA editions are the nicer red ones, but the UK couldn't escape these ones for Bloodlines. PEOPLE. I DISLIKE THEM.
5. Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
I also dislike PDA.
6. Bumped by Megan McCafferty
Because this is a book about teenagers who are impregnated, and the egg makes me cringe.
7. Shine by Jeri Smith-Ready
The original cover for the first book was so dark and pretty. What happened?! Why did they think this redesign was a good idea?
8. The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
What the hell is it.
9. Tempest Rising by Tracy Deebs 
If you're a mermaid, why are you standing up?
10. Taken by Erin Bowman
This is a cover that I adore, I just want to redesign it so that it reflects the shit that is inside this book. I'm not here for abusive boys as the MC.


  1. Whoa, I never thought about the girl on the TEMPEST RISING cover standing up, but you're so right! Also, yes, PERFECT CHEMISTRY is a terrible cover, and I almost felt embarrassed buying it in the store because it was so ugly. Which is crazy because the book is SO GOOD!

  2. The entire Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series needs a major makeover. Those two series deserve better. WHY THE BAD PHOTOSHOP? The cover designers/publishers should know better!

    I hate covers with models too. When I look at it, I cringe because most of the time, the people on the cover look nothing like the characters. ALSO, the models on the Elemental series covers do not look like they are related to me.

  3. Nice picks! I think the girl from Shine is also the Pandemonium one by Oliver? She looks weird man. :X
    I actually like Bloodlines, not the best but best out of all Mead's books...

    My TTT

  4. I so agree about Taken. The cover was so great, but it doesn't reflect the story at all. As a matter of fact, I picked up this book b/c of it's cover and was sorely disappointed :(

  5. Perfect Chemistry has such an awful cover! I have it on my list this week too.

  6. I hear you, I'm not a fan of people on covers much either. PDA really bothers me too. And I laughed hard when I read your comment about the Origin cover. So true. I LOVE the cover for Taken...so beautiful but like you I had trouble with the MC. Great list!

  7. That Bumped cover made me laugh. I am a woman, I am fertile. Have a picture of an egg >..<

  8. People on covers should be banned. They actually kinda freak me out, staring at me from the coffee table when I put them down....not wierd at all.

    The Fiery Heart girl looks really horrible! Or constipated. Heh.

  9. I agree. I really liked the original covers for Shade and Shift. The redesigned covers aren't nearly as pretty. The cover of Origin is creepy as well. Great list!!

    Here is my TTT: http://jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2013/11/top-ten-tuesday-covers-i-wish-i-could.html

  10. Agree with all! Especially strange PDA covers, I hate them and don't want to be caught reading them! My TTT.

  11. Tempest Rising: haha, that is an excellent point. Very strong fin muscles?

  12. Endless Knight definitely needs a cover redesign. The guy and the girl creeps me out. And hey, Spike is definitely hotter than that guy. :P
    I can't stand to look at Origin's cover. The background and Pepe is badly photoshopped together. You have a point with the whole clothes thing. I can't help but wonder if they photoshopped his six-pack when I look at it.

  13. I too wish Endless Knight had a different cover!!

    Check out Our TTT

    Doris @ OABR

  14. Lmao at tempest rising. That is so true. And I agree with the Shade Trilogy. They used to be better, Now they look like the cover model is drowning in a colorful fart.

  15. I like the cover for Poison Princess, too but this one just sucks! What is with the guy's expression? Ew.

    Storm? Origin? Ugly and uglier.

    I never noticed that about Tempest Rising, silly me and what a silly mermaid. I really hope she doesn't have legs on there because that'd be weird.

    I hate the covers for VA and Bloodlines. The red ones are so pretty but these, mehhh.

    I never understood the cover for Jerri Smith-Ready's series. They're pointless.

  16. I approve of all of these, except Bumped, which I totally think the cringe response is what they wanted, and Taken, which is gorgeous. I'm cool with swapping the Taken cover to another book though. So glad I DNFed that boring book that apparently got ragey later.

  17. Ugh, people. They shouldn't be on covers. I don't like being told what characters look like, because most of the time THEY DON'T LOOK LIKE THAT. The VA series covers are the worst ever. Idk what Richelle Mead to deserve those.


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