27 March 2011

In My Mailbox - (19) & Weekly Roundup

Hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. Again, I forgot to include the e-books. I've recorded a separate video for those, so I shall post it some time in the week!

Books Won:
Tomorrow's Guardian by Richard Denning - thank you Karen! (Goodreads)
The Way of the Warrior by Chris Bradford (Goodreads)
The Way of the Sword by Chris Bradford (Goodreads)
The Way of the Dragon by Chris Bradford (Goodreads)
The Ring of Earth by Chris Bradford (Goodreads)
The Ring of Water by Chris Bradford (Goodreads)

Books Bought:
Pegasus by Robin McKinley (Goodreads)

Weekly Roundup
Books Read:
Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton
The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel

On the Blog - Reviews:
Wither by Lauren Destefano - 3 out of 5.
Frostbite by Richelle Mead - 10 out of 10.
The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M Auel - 4 out of 5.

On the Blog - Misha Collins' (Supernatural) Random Act Charity.

Bookish News:
Aimee Carter has announced a three book deal. Aimee said that her new book THE GODDESS TEST is going to be the first book in a trilogy, with the third being released in late 2012. Also, she announced that she'll be releasing a dystopian trilogy some time in 2013. Is anyone else excited? DYSTOPIA! GREEK MYTHOLOGY! WOO!

And - the biggest news of all - I reached 250 followers! Oh my GOSH, this is amazing. Thank you all so, so much. It really makes my day when you all take the time to comment on my posts. I love you all <3 I'm thinking about doing a Q&A on my Youtube channel to celebrate, so if I do then I'll post a link here and y'all can ask me some questions :) *GROUP HUG*


  1. You've had some great books this week. I like the covers on the first three of the Samuri books - silver with a different coloured moon on each. It's a pity they didn't carry on that theme. :)

  2. I have had Pegasus on my wishlist for ages, cant wait to hear what you think. Happy reading :D

  3. Congrats on all your followers!

    I've been seeing Pegasus around, I'm excited to see what you think of it. The Samuri books seem interesting too, I don't think I've read anything like that.

  4. Awesome books! I've just started reading YA and they are very good! I'm a new follower. I hope you can also follow mine! Thanks and God Bless!

    Bookable Reads ☺: http://bookablereads.blogspot.com/

  5. Hey, thanks for stopping by earlier. It's so fun to see what everyone is reading.

    I am on the waiting list at my local library for Pegasus. I'm really excited about it.

    Happy reading!

  6. Congrats on your wins.
    I haven't ever read a book by Chris Bradford so l look forward to seeing your thoughts.

  7. Congratulations on all your followers! That is so great!

    Tomorrow's Guardian sounds really good. I think I'm going to have to add that to my wishlist.

    And I love your background! The colors are awesome.

  8. Aw LOVE your accent!! Great books, happy reading :D

  9. Great books this week. Pegasus looks really good! Congrats on 250 followers!
    Happy Reading and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my IMM post! I can't wait to read Pegasus - it's been on my list for a while now!

  11. Those all look fun! And ones you read, specifically The Clan of the Cave Bear, sounds good. Two friends of mine read that series and LOVED it. I'm still not sure they're my kind of read...

    I am so jealous of Pegasus, you have no idea. I hope you love your new reads!

    BTW--my day is going very well thank you. Glad yours is too :D

  12. Looking forward to your review for Angelfire. I received it from NetGalley but I've been having a hard time getting into it. Great haul this week!!

    New follower :) Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Great books this week! I enjoyed AngelFire and am excited to read Wither soon. I hope you love them all! You can stop over and check out my mailbox here: http://blog.juliealindsey.com/

  14. Look like you won the whole set of Chris Bradford's books. This author is new to me.
    Enjoy Reading.
    кєяo's Book blog

  15. Thanks for stopping by, I'm your newest follower:) You won a ton of books this week! Angelfire is sooooo good I'm in love with that book!Hope you enjoy all your reads! See you next week!

  16. both pegasus and angelfire are on my wishlist. i hope i get around to eventually buying them! LOL! happy reading! and thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  17. Aimee Carter giving us both dystopia AND Greek mythology?! You just can't beat that! :)

  18. Oh I did like The Clan of the Cave Bear. I am not familiar with the other titles but I'll look into it. Robin McKinley's a great writer.

  19. Great IMM! I really want to read Pegasus. I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of it! Enjoy all the GalleyGrab titles too! :)

  20. I have never seen that Young Samurai series. I wonder how the story. I think I have to check out its excerpt. Sounds good on me

  21. Great books this week. Looks like you won some awesome stuff - congratulations. And you mention two of my fav things Dr Who and books with maps!!!
    Happy reading.

  22. Tee hee I love your accent ^_^
    Congrats on the followers! I love the love <3
    Dystopia and greek mythology sounds awesome! They're like two of my fave subjects. I liked The Goddess Test but I hope the second book will be a little more exciting--maybe some gladiator fights or something lol

  23. Thank you for visiting Starting the Next Chapter. It looks as if you have an amazing haul this week, as well! I'm excited to read the rest of the Iron Fey series, too, but I'm making myself wait on account of all of the library books I have to read. I hope you have a great week. Happy reading!

    Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter

  24. You have quite a good stash yourself here!I see we have some of the same stuff. Looking forward to reading Angelfire. I forgot to mention my ebooks too! Thanks for reminding me about that and for stopping by earlier.

  25. You got some interesting books this week. I really liked Pegasus and look forward to more in the series. Happy reading!

  26. Eek! Pegasus! Love that book...and well anything by Robin McKinley (hope you enjoy it).

    Awesome book haul!

    Happy reading. ^_^

    The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia

  27. Fab reads! I enjoyed Angelfire. I really want to read Pegasus.
    My IMM

  28. Nice books! Some of those are looking pretty good...

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great week!

    Nora @ The Bucket List

  29. Congrats on the 250 followers! thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

  30. While listing to you read the synopsis of Pegasus I went to Goodreads and added it to my list! Thanks for sharing. And I totally know what you mean about putting your schoolwork aside. I had to put my blog on hold for about a year while I finished up my education. Good luck at school and happy reading!

  31. Great books this week! Enjoy all of them. Also, LOVE 30 Seconds to Mars playing in the background. <3

  32. Thanks for checking out my IMM. Oooh you got Pegasus this week, I hope you get to read it soon. Robin McKinley is one of my favorite authors. I loved Pegasus but I can't wait for the second half of the story to be released next year.

  33. Very interesting titles you have ...

  34. Enjoy your new books! I actually really liked Wither. There were some parts that I didn't really like, but overall it was really good.

    Kristina @ Ladybug Storytime!

  35. Congrats on reaching 250 followers! Hope you enjoy all of your books

  36. I love Robin McKinley books. She's an awesome author.
    Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy all of your books!

  37. I love your video, you have such an amazing accent! :)
    Great books you got there, I'm looking forward to your reviews!

    I noticed that you have a picture of Jensen Ackles in your profile. Supernatural fan by any chance? :) I love it too!!! ^__^ *following*

  38. oooo! You bought Pegasus! I haven't read it yet but I just love the cover! Hope you enjoy it and I'm looking forward to your review.

  39. Congrats on the followers! And yes I am SO excited for Aimee Carter's book -- it sounds wonderful! A fellow blogger and I hope to host a read-along for The Goddess Test when it comes out. IMO, Greek Mythology is pretty always explored in an awesome way :D. Also... wow! You won a lot of books this week :p!

  40. A lot of the books look really awesome. Especially Wither, I definitely wanna read that some day. Have fun reading ^^


  41. Great stack of books! I am also very excited with the news about Aimee Carter. Loved the Goddess Test :)

  42. Looks like you have some pretty awesome books this week! Hope you enjoy them!

  43. Woohoo for the 250 followers! And thanks for the heads up on THE GODDESS TEST! I can't watch your vlog right now, unfortunately, though I would if I had brought my darn headphones to school. *lol* Looks like you got a bunch of neat books though. And you liked Pegasus? Wasn't really my taste. Hope you enjoy every single one of your new reads!

    Asher K.

  44. Nice haul, you seem to like Chris Bradford :). His stories sound interesting; and so does Pegasus! Hope you enjoy all of your books!

    Thank you for visiting my IMM :).


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